An Intensive 5-day Training Course
The 15-Minute City:
Sustainable Urbanism in the Future City
This highly participative EuroMaTech 15-Minute City: Sustainable Urbanism in the Future City training course in the realm of Smart Cities focuses on the principle of 15-minute city where the everyone living in a city should have access to essential urban services within a 15-minute walk or bike. This principle shifts from the city planning for the cars and focuses on city planning for the people.
This highly interactive and informative course is designed to help access-focused urban transformations be what we need them to be: ambitious, inclusive, measurable, and effectively implemented.
Participants attending the EuroMaTech 15-Minute City: Sustainable Urbanism in the Future City training course will develop the following competencies:
- Knowledge of urban policymaking and planning paradigm
- Understanding the critical urban services and amenities should be reachable within 15 min of walking or cycling from a residence
- Making mixed-use neighbourhood units
- Improved application of proximity-based planning
- Increased application of planning for active transport
This EuroMaTech 15-Minute City: Sustainable Urbanism in the Future City training course aims to enable participants to achieve the following objectives:
- Innovation and intelligence-driven planning
- Focus on urban governance and citizen participation,
- Inclusive digitalization design
- Policy that is related to human scale and experience of the city
- Meating the daily needs of the citizens within 15 minute walking distance
The EuroMaTech 15-Minute City: Sustainable Urbanism in the Future City training course will combine presentations with interactive practical exercises, supported by video materials, activities and case studies, as well as the active use of 15-Minute City design guides and paradigms. The seminars will use the most up-to-date presentation and interactive methods focusing on problem identification in the thematic area, and work of the participants on finding solutions, or ways to solve the identified problems through the discussion of practical examples and tasks.
The EuroMaTech 15-Minute City: Sustainable Urbanism in the Future City training course covers essential skills required to implement and sustain systematic and continuous process for improving cities liveability and attractiveness, cities should be designed so that, within a walking or cycling distance of 15 min from their residence, citizens should be able to meet all their daily needs: work, home, food, health, education, culture, sports, and leisure as well as sustainability by providing.
Day 1 - 15 Minute city paradigm
- Traditional city design vs 15-minute city design
- Access vs mobility
- Vision Zero
- Green design
- Sustainability
Day 2 - Decentralised urban planning model
- Design principles
- Density, Grain, and Connectivity
- Internal urban design spatial structure
- Monocentricity and Polycentricity
- The need for paradigm shift
Day 3 - 15-minute city building blocks
- Neighbourhood
- Land-use mix
- Optimization of land use
- Housing options
- “Nucleus” of the neighbourhood
Day 4 - Measures and KPI-s
- Population density,
- Housing density,
- Neighbourhood radius,
- Safety and security within the design,
- Dynamics of living incorporation.
Day 5 - 15-minute city urban planning premises and examples
- Urban amenities in citywide scale,
- Increased accessibility by proximity,
- Multitemporal urban environments,
- Developments in sustainable and smart cities,
- Example of new city developments with the 15-minute city design
Do you wish for us to conduct this course at your premises?
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EuroMaTech is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
Euromatech is a Knowledge & Human Development Authority (KHDA) approved training institute in Dubai, licensed and approved to deliver training courses in the UAE.
The KHDA is the regulatory authority in the UAE, that oversees administering, approving, supervising, and controlling the activities of various education providers in the UAE. We are proud of our commitment to ensuring quality training courses and status as a KHDA-approved training provider.