Best Practices in Communication and Relational Skills Training Course in Dubai
Leaders today are expected to have a wide range of skills – technical, operational and relational. This Best Practices in Communication and Relational Skills training course focuses on developing the communication competencies that allow them to lead and motivate others. It helps leaders become great communicators who know how to win respect, understanding and commitment.
Leading people – the relational side of management – is as important as task-based skills. Communication is the critical competency that underpins relationships, both for keeping team members up-to-date and for winning the support of key stakeholders.
During this EuroMaTech training course participants will develop the following competencies:
- Listening to and understanding others
- Building relationships with and between others based on trust and respect
- Conveying team/business unit strategy by setting goals, planning and prioritizing
- Explaining the bigger picture and where their team/project fits within the overall aims of the business unit and organisation
- Creating a collaborative environment where team members support and encourage each other
Please click here to review the published outline for the “Best Practices in Communication and Relational Skills” training course and seminar. Need further information or would you like to register on “Best Practices in Communication and Relational Skills” training seminar in Dubai between 14 – 18 October 2018?
Please contact us @ Tel.: +971-4-4571800, or E-mail to: [email protected]