Change Management and Building High Performing Teams Training Course in London

Leadership is all about managing change and developing high performing teams. This EuroMaTech training course will explore the essential skills and knowledge required for success in these vital areas. Only by developing your ideas together, as a team, can you lead people towards excellence and success. Our world-class facilitation will enable you to explore, learn and develop effective plans for the future that are practical, robust and effective.

The Change Management and Building High Performing Teams training course is designed to be immersive, engaging and challenging. At the end of each day, participants will plan their next steps from their learning. A feature of this interactive training course is it will focus on the business needs of the organisation.

Participants attending Change Management and Building High Performing Teams workshop will develop the following competencies:

  • Projecting confidence by understanding one’s own abilities
  • Effective communication to carry a persuasive message across to others
  • Building connections that allows you to influence others
  • Help your team find creative solutions to workplace challenges

Please click here to review the published outline for the “Change Management and Building High Performing Teams” training course and seminar. Need further information or would you like to register on “Change Management and Building High Performing Teams” training seminar in London between 01 – 05 Oct 2018?

Please contact us @ Tel.: +971-4-4571800, or E-mail to: [email protected]

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