Creating Trust in Teams

Successful teams are built on trust. If you’ve just stepped into a new role, or if you need to gain people’s trust, there are several ways to build it: Be a

Good Role Model and work and live by the values you want to see in your team. When you “walk the walk,” your team will start to do the same, and an atmosphere of trust will develop.

Be Honest

People will trust you if they can count on you to tell the truth, even when this is hard. This includes telling the truth about yourself, or about any mistakes you’ve made. Your people will value this level of honesty, and will likely reciprocate. If your position prohibits you from sharing certain information with your team, then be honest about this as well. Promise that as soon as you know something, or as soon as you get approval to share more information, you’ll do so immediately.

Be a Team Player

As a leader, you need to speak up for and even defend your team from time to time – for example, if people are being criticized unfairly, or are being asked to deliver to an unreasonably tight deadline. When this happens, stay loyal to your team and say what you need to say. When things go well, make sure that your team gets credit for team accomplishments, and ensure that your bosses know how hard your people are working. When your team sees you sticking up for them, and spreading the word about their hard work, they’ll put more trust in you.

Be Transparent

People will also trust you more if they can see, at any time, why decisions are being made the way they are. The more transparent you are with information, the more your people will understand why you do what you do. Communicate as openly as you can about decisions, processes and changes. Encourage your team to participate openly in as many decisions are possible. By allowing them to ask questions and offer you their ideas, you demonstrate that you care about their input. Make sure you practice active listening here. If your team feels you’re not really hearing what they have to say, you’ll find it hard to gain their trust.

Avoid Micromanagement

Often, people see micromanagement as a lack of trust. After all, if you’re constantly checking on what your people are doing, it must mean you don’t trust them, right? Avoid micromanagement when possible. Trust people to do their jobs right and well.

Note: Trust is harder to build in situations where people are under a lot of stress, or where there is a lot at stake.


ABOUT the Course:

This EuroMaTech training course will focus on imparting emotional excellence skills to enable you to succeed as a distinctive leader. Delegates will gain insights and skills on how to be an emotionally intelligent leader. They will develop intrapersonal skills of self-awareness and self-regulation. They will also gain mastery of interpersonal skills of empathy and relational skills. Delegates will be exposed to the latest scientific breakthroughs in management science on the mastery of healthy emotions in a leader. They will learn the importance of managing body, mind and spirit so as to lead others in a holistic manner. Delegates will return to their organisations with skills to be excellent leaders.

This EuroMaTech training course seeks to help delegates:

  • Keep a relationship productive by cultivating emotional intelligence at work
  • Recognize stress levels and keep it under control
  • Exchange communication using emotionally intelligent language
  • Pick up social cues and responding appropriately to them

Please click here to review the published outline for the “Mastering Emotional Intelligence” training course and seminar. Need further information or would you like to register on this training seminar?

Please contact us @ Tel.: +971-4-4571800, or E-mail to:

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