Success Under Pressure

Covid-19! Working Safely in today’s pandemic world challenges.

How this Pandemic is still raging the world with its mutation and various variants. Scientists and world leaders are faced with the humongous task to tackle the spread of this deadly virus with global immunisation programs. Medical personnel are racing to save multitudes of lives with all their might non-stop 24/7, and every life saved is defined for them as success. Imagine the overwhelming situations and tremendous pressure these medical personnel must face – overcrowded wards, insufficient medical facilities, overwork, exhaustion, and burnt-out; they work under extreme pressure!

Back in the workplace, the situation may encounter pressure of lesser severity compared to the daunting task of saving lives. Some of the challenges during this period are restarting manufacturing operations, establishing crisis teams, ensuring employees following strict SOP to work safely, flexible work arrangements, working from home, communicating effectively and other unforeseen challenges. Nevertheless, the intensity of stress felt by individuals under any circumstances must be managed appropriately, to avoid damage to one’s health and relationships.

Any person can feel the negative impacts of the pandemic and feel stressful. However, one can learn ways to cope and manage effectively to avoid caving in. There are mindsets and strategies to turn problems into challenges, obstacles into opportunities, such as positive psychology, optimism, cognitive flexibility, creativity, etc. There are emotion focus techniques one can be trained, to stay calm and focused when under pressure. Various deep breathing techniques can help individuals regain composure during stressful moments, and it is worth mentioning that one breathing technique has been scientifically examined with conclusion that it helps to reduce inflammation and improve immunity. It is vital to maintain optimal physical and emotional health interacting with overwhelming situations and the 21st century work environment.

Success means different things to different people, it varies from person to person, and from time to time. This Covid-19 pandemic has brought about great pressure in all aspects, and it is important to take responsibility for one’s safety and remain emotionally healthy and not succumb to depression. The grace to stay alive is success, and the ability to sustain physical, mental and emotional wellbeing would be great feats.

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