Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Training Course

As supervisors, team leaders and managers progress in their career they soon realise that new skills and knowledge are required to achieve greater success.

This means being able to manage other people and to lead teams effectively. This EuroMaTech training course provides a solid framework to understand the key drivers of leadership and management success and a toolbox of essential team leadership and management skills.

Participants will develop the following competencies
  • The key team leadership and management skills, and when to use them
  • How to manage, lead and develop work teams to higher performance
  • Be able to communicate, motivate and coach others effective
  • Improved problem-solving and decision making
Participants in this EuroMaTech training course will explore the essential skills required to:
  • Lead and motivate their staff
  • Increase their influence through the organisation
  • Deliver their business goals

All participants will return to their organisations with a personal development and action plan to apply their learning to their job, and to achieve rapid and sustained improvements in their capabilities and their performance.

Participants will learn from a clear explanation of leadership theory and management skills. This is achieved by active participation in discussions and experiential exercises. Group discussion is an important element in this EuroMaTech training course, and delegates should be prepared to share their experience and their own stories with the rest of the group. We will use video clips and case histories each day to illustrate and illuminate the key points.  All delegates will be asked to make presentations to the group, and to commit to a personal development plan.

Please click here to review the published outline for the “Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors” training course and seminar. Need further information or would you like to register on “Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors” training seminar in Dubai between 30 Sep – 04 Oct 2018?

Please contact us @ Tel.: +971-4-4571800, or E-mail to: [email protected]

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